Content Marketing

With YouTubers uploading videos at the rate of 60 hrs of video content per minute, being noticed on YouTube is easy task. Social media managers who work hard to get views for brand videos, sometimes fall short because of the sheer competition on the platform. This post describes five marketing tools and how you can use them to get your brand to shine on YouTube.

According to a benchmarks and trends report from the Content Marketing Institute, 62% of B2B marketers in 2017 reported that their content marketing strategies are more effective now than they were in the previous year. So, what content marketing trends should smart content marketers and business leaders be paying attention to in 2018? To springboard your B2B and B2C content marketing efforts, here are six significant trends to inspire your strategy for the year ahead.

There has been a lot said about the importance of website content and blog posts. Not only does good content reduce your site's bounce rate, but it also comes in handy for optimization. SEO specialists spend days and nights working to master Google's algorithms trying to rank first. Let's leave aside all the other means for a second, and focus on one very important SEO component: content.
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action